WEBiP Live Video Calls Make Shopping Personal Again

News-Press Release

(Newsbox) 29-Mar-2011

New customer contact solution redefines the e-commerce marketplace and bridges the gap between shopping online versus a physical store.

One of the most challenging aspects of the e-commerce revolution is how to maintain a personal connection from a world away.  Roughly half of all communication is carried out via facial expressions and other non-verbal cues. By limiting communication to text based formats, e-businesses often sacrifice every aspect of personal communication and change customer service and sales into a cold and heartless format relying on flinging gobs of information at a potential client and hoping a few stick long enough to result in a sale.

Telecommunications innovation has brought us services which now encompass audio and video into a call but until now most companies have not been able to fully embrace these innovations because of expense, the need for additional equipment or dependency on the customer to download and install a client program.

Now all of that has changed.  BiP Networks, an international VoIP communications company, has developed a fully web-integrated program called WEBiP geared specifically for solving customer service and sales dilemmas. WEBiP is an interactive customer support solution which functions like a click-to-talk button on a company’s website, however instead of routing a call into a separate phone or demanding customer information for a call-back, WEBiP launches a live video call between the potential client and the company agent.  Now the personal connection can be made and the sales and customer service environment can become warm again.

With WEBiP a company can demonstrate, clarify and project information in a format that is easy to assimilate.  From the customer end it is a simple interface with very few instructions needed so anyone who can go online can utilize WEBiP to communicate with a company’s staff.

BiP Networks, the creators of WEBiP, believe that by providing this service for a flat monthly rate and avoiding the use of per-minute fees or connection charges that smaller businesses will be able to utilize it and therefore open up the playing field in the global marketplace for anyone and everyone to participate more aggressively.

To view more information about WEBiP, you can visit the product website at www.mywebip.net

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