Asia Mobile Operators

13-Jul-2011 | News-Press Release

The report has gathered together a selection of information about each of these many operators. The range of information presented in the text, and where appropriate in tables, includes:

• brief history of the company;
• corporate and business structure;
• subscriber growth;
• some information on financial performance;
• market position.

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It is noted that the information provided varies from market to market and operator to operator, depending very much on the availability of statistics and corporate reports.

In some markets we also provide an overall review of the market in which we find these operators; this overview includes such statistical information as market share and Average Revenue per User (ARPU) if available. Within the background information we have also reported on the mergers and acquisition that have been part of a transformational market.

The countries covered in this report include: Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, Georgia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, North Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam.

This market report provides a wide-ranging review of mobile operators across the Asian region. The overview covers around 170 operators that were to be found in Asia in 2011.

There was a combined total of just over 2.6 billion mobile subscribers being served by these operators going into 2011 and with an annual growth rate of around 20% the region can be expected to top 3 billion mobile subscribers by year end.

The list of operators ranges from the giant China Mobile with close to 600 million subscribers right through to a number of small operators with only a few thousand subscribers each. It is noted that of the region’s operators just 15 of these (see Table below) have a combined share of around 70% of the regional mobile market. BuddeComm’s overview of operators in the region does not claim to present an exhaustive list of licensed operators but it certainly is indicative of the breadth and variety of operator to be found in the region. It also reflects the highly competitive nature of the mobile sector in this region.

The focus of this report is on the operators within the individual national markets. Of course, in addition to these individual operators there are those companies such as SingTel, Vodafone, Hutchison and Axiata (formerly Telekom Malaysia International) that have built a substantial presence around the region through their shareholdings in operators in multiple markets. This aspect of these corporations is not discussed in any detail but is mentioned in passing in the country by country review.

Table below shows the top 15 operators as ranked by subscribers at December 2010. The list has remained relatively stable over the last year or so. Compared to the top 15 at the end of 2009, Japan’s KDDI has dropped off the list and India’s Tata has come in at number 9 on the table.
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