Rare Earth Elements Markets Worldwide

News-Press Release

(Newsbox) 30-Jul-2011

Bharatbook.com has this special report, which sources information of This research report presents an in-depth analysis of the production, market, development, applications, and trends for rare earth elements (REE).

The 17 different rare earth elements are used extensively in a wide variety of applications to make technologies lighter, stronger, more efficient, and easier to use. Product applications run the gamut from the very technical to the mundane. For example, REEs are used to make super strong permanent magnets that increase the efficiency of wind generators while significantly reducing their weight. They are used extensively in electric vehicles to increase battery capacity and reduce weight (and they are also essential in producing catalytic converters for gasoline powered automobiles). REEs are used in medicine for small, portable X-ray devices as well as lasers that can treat glaucoma and other conditions. In some instances REE directly treat some forms of cancer. They make the phosphors that give color to television sets and LED lighting as well as flints for cigarette lighters. These are but a few of the many current uses of rare earth elements and new applications are being developed on a routine basis, such as for the treatment of water and for magnetic refrigeration.
 Contrary to their name, rare earth elements are no so rare. They are found in abundance worldwide and are more common than tin in some cases and almost as abundant as copper. All rare earth elements are far more abundant that silver or gold. However, to date only a relatively few deposits have been found with sufficient REE concentrations to make mining them economical. The United States produced most of the world’s REE up until about 1985, at which time China began to become a major supplier. Today, China produces about 97% of the world’s rare earths. Problems stemming from this (virtually) single source include supply constraints, reduced shipments and outright embargos, environmental problems, and rising prices. Since the 1950’s there was very little exploration for new REE sources (except in China) but many countries and mine operators are now actively seeking new REE deposits and developing existing ones.
 This report provides a comprehensive assessment of rare earth element production, demand, applications, and economic and cost considerations that have limited production and exploration for new sources, their growth over the past several years, potential opportunities for additional growth, and an assessment of developing technologies, alternatives, and market trends. Projected REE growth through 2020 is provided including discussion of economic conditions, environmental impacts, business demand, stakeholder concerns, and government activities as they affect growth rates. The report also profiles producers of rare earths and the strategies they have adopted to maximize growth and profitability.
 Table of Contents:
 Chapter 1 Executive Summary
 Research Methodology
 The Rare Earth Elements
 Figure 1-1 The Period Table and the Elements
 Table 1-2 Light and Heavy Rare Earth Elements
 Global REE Deposits
 Figure 1-3 World Rare Earth Element Reserves by Country
 Rare Earth Element Applications
 The Rare Earth Market Today
 Table 1-4 Rare Earth Element Energy Applications
 Figure 1-5 Rare Earth Prices - Selected Light Rare Earth Elements (LREE), August 2010-February 2011 ($/kg - REO equivalent)
 Figure 1-6 Rare Earth Prices - REEs Used in Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnets February 2009-February 2011 ($/kg - REO equivalent)
 Figure 1-7 Chinese Rare Earth Quotas and Price Effects Metric Tons of REE, $/kg REO Equivalents (2005-2010)
 Market Demand
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 Related Reports
 China rare earth metal mining industry, 2011
 China uncommon rare earth metal rolling processing industry, 2011

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