SharePoint Store Launched Today

News-Press Release

(Newsbox) 08-Dec-2011

NetConnect announced today that the world's first application store for SharePoint business solutions in the cloud is now available on SharePoint Store is launched with 30 global partners and content providers.

Oslo Norway - We are very proud of our new application store for professional business solutions running on Microsoft SharePoint. As far as we know our application store is the only one in the world offering SharePoint solutions delivered from the cloud, with all the benefits of cloud computing, says Pål Storehaug, CEO of NetConnect ASA.

Some of the benefits of cloud computing are large cost reductions, high quality solutions, scalability, flexibility and excellent security.

Many of the applications in the SharePoint Store can be consumed from the cloud, but companies already running SharePoint on their own datacenter can order applications for on premise installation as well.

Applications from many leading software developers are available in the SharePoint Store. Among these are Brightwork, Nintex, Equilibrium, Elearningforce and d.velop. Through the SharePoint Store, software companies deliver their solutions as cloud services, and get access to global distribution. Microsoft Office 365 is also available from the SharePoint Store as a cloud service.

Microsoft SharePoint is the most widely used application platform for professional business applications. - SharePoint is an excellent platform for applications, and now we deliver an easy way to find good solutions from the cloud, or for on premise installation on local servers, says Storehaug.

Solutions for workflow, document management, collaboration, project management, CMS, CRM, contract management, digital signatures, intranet, education, productivity and social media are available from the SharePoint Store.

NetConnect customers have consumed applications as cloud services in NetConnect Team Portal since 2009. Now a wide range of applications are available from

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