News-Press Release

(Newsbox) 28-May-2010

Oceanscience reports continued success of the UnderwayCTD, the revolutionary sensor deployment system that allows repeatable research grade CTD casts while underway at over 10kts.

The Oceanscience Group, USA, reports continued success of their latest generation UnderwayCTD (UCTD™), the revolutionary sensor deployment system that allows repeatable research grade CTD casts while underway at over 10 kt. 


In the Pacific Ocean, the UCTD™ will be providing opportunistic CTD profiles during transits in the ITOP (Impact of Typhoons on Ocean in Pacific) project, while tropical Atlantic researchers in the PIRATA (Prediction and Research Moored Array in the Atlantic) program will be similarly increasing their vessel productivity on inter-buoy transits by deploying the UCTD™. Farther south, after providing important high-quality upper ocean salinity measurements in the Antarctic, the South African CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research) UCTD™ system used on the Southern Ocean Carbon - Climate Observatory study has defrosted and is being readied for the next campaign. In Europe, the Portuguese EMEPC project (Task Group for the Extension of the Portuguese Continental Shelf) summer cruise schedule will feature the UCTD™ newly installed on the RV Almirante Gago Coutinho.


Oceanscience’s Senior Scientist and UCTD™ system developer, Dr. Jochen Klinke commented, "The system’s recipe for success is simple: it allows our customers to collect high quality temperature and salinity data, with a system that can be installed on almost any vessel with a minimum of investment.”


Oceanscience designs and manufactures systems and deployment platforms for hydrologic and oceanographic instrumentation, including seafloor platforms, remotely-controlled and autonomous survey vessels, custom buoys, and the UCTD™.


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