CBT Therapy Provides Depression Treatment and Anxiety Therapy That Eliminates Anxiety Problems

News-Press Release

(Newsbox) 18-Feb-2012

DrPurves.com brings CBT Therapy to the world. This depression treatment and anxiety therapy is the proven cure for anxiety problems.

Reading, Berkshire (prsafe) February 15, 2012 - According to many experts, anxiety problems and depression are at epidemic proportions in the 21st Century, affecting tens of millions of people worldwide. While it has commonly been thought that such problems are less harmful than physical problems, that they are not to be taken as seriously, research is showing that stress, anxiety, and depression can be some of the biggest factors affecting a person's immune system, healing process, and overall health. One of the most tangible results of anxiety and depression is poorer decision making. On a very basic level, someone with depression or anxiety problems is less likely to make wise choices in terms of diet, exercise, recreational substance use, and risky behaviors. For those who see only the immediate medical symptoms, these harder to detect problems may go unnoticed. In terms of direct medical influences, depressive or anxious thoughts cause massive changes in brain chemistry that significantly alter the immune system, reducing a person's resistance to pain, illness and impeding the overall healing process. Then, of course, there is the human cost. Depression and anxiety can destroy lives. No one lives in a vacuum. When one person suffers from mental anguish, his or her family, friends, and co-workers are often affected negatively as well. This unhealthy state of being can drain the joy and satisfaction out of the lives of everyone involved.

Fortunately, there is a particular type of therapy that has been proven to eliminate the effects of anxiety, stress, and depression, without the use of medications. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, CBT Therapy, has produced incredible results in patients, appearing to offer a powerful cure for the conditions of anxiety, depression, and stress. This revolutionary approach to therapy looks at mental anguish as a primarily thought-based problem, and it seeks to re-train the patient's thinking pattern by examining the dysfunctional, unhelpful patterns of thought that have been causing the disruptive feelings. Through CBT Therapy, new thought patterns are established, new neurological pathways are strengthened in the brain, and an overall healthier lifestyle is established. This type of depression treatment is explained fully on a website created by Dr. David Purves, a renowned psychologist who specializes in the use of CBT for depression and anxiety therapy. After twenty years of successful treatment of stress, anxiety, and depression, Dr. Purves created the revolutionary Mood Control system to bring the benefits of CBT Therapy to people all over the world. This web-based CBT system allows people who would not ordinarily have access to a CBT therapist to apply the proven methods of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to their own lives, through online guidance. This breakthrough in therapeutic technology may be the single greatest leap so far in the journey to end the devastating effects of anxiety and depression.

About DrPurves.com

Dr. David Purves has demonstrated his skill as a therapist for over twenty years, bringing relief to sufferers of depression and anxiety problems. His revolutionary approach to online CBT Therapy is providing anxiety therapy and depression treatment to people all over the world who have not had access to this proven cure. For more details, visit http://drpurves.com


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