People Who Wonder What Does My Name Mean Find Name Meanings on

22-Mar-2012 | News-Press Release

New York, NY ( prsafe ) March 19, 2012 - People all over the world wonder, "What does my name mean?" This is not a frivolous question. It is human nature to want to explore one's own history, identity, and place in the world. While many parents select their children's names based purely on pleasant sounds, that method has not tended to be the norm across the world and throughout the ages. Generally speaking, most cultures created names with specific meanings, often naming children only after they were old enough to show identifiable characteristics on which to base their names. The idea of assigning names without knowing their meanings is a rather new concept in the world, a result of global travel and the mixing of many different cultures. Cultural details are easily lost in the mists of time. However, many people around the world are taking various steps to try to reclaim their cultures and learn more about their own histories and identities. Technology is assisting in this quest by allowing people all over the world to exchange information with each other faster and more easily than ever before. is a prime example. provides male and female first name meanings and origins for thousands of names from various cultures across the globe. A representative from explained: "This is a particularly useful service for parents who are selecting names for their children. A name is generally for a lifetime, and it is not a decision to be taken lightly. Millions of parents agonize over lists of names for their little ones, often trying to select only on the basis of aesthetics and family influences. helps parents to make more informed decisions about their children's names, allowing them to narrow down their lists or add new options that they did not know existed. For parents who would like to preserve their heritage, it can be very rewarding to choose names that are rooted in the family's culture, nationality, or religion." It can also be rewarding for the parents to name a child based on a meaning that represents their hope for the child's personality or future: "strength," "hope," "harmony," "luck." 

As more people around the world begin to become interested in re-discovering their heritage through genealogy and other types of research, the study of the origin and meaning of names can play a useful role. In terms of origins, this type of research can even help in genealogical research. For instance, someone who is tracing a family line may discover a name without much biographical background or easily traceable roots. To know the origin of the person's name may help to connect that person to a certain family line.

And then there are the people who are curious about the meanings of their own names. For some, the discovery of the meaning of their own names provides them with a greater sense of identity, even a greater sense of purpose or spiritual connectedness. There are many reasons why people visit a site like, many of them potentially life-changing.

About provides name meanings and origins for thousands of names from around the world. Knowing the origin and meaning of names can be extremely helpful to people for a number of reasons, including simply being able to answer children when they ask, "What does my name mean?" For more information, please visit


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