Leadership and Trust

18-May-2011 | News-Press Release

Would it surprise you to learn that recent studies suggest that employees trust in senior management, direct supervisors and co-workers is dwindling across all industries?

According to a new Maritz® Poll conducted by Maritz Research, only 11 percent of employees strongly agree their managers show consistency between their words and actions. In addition, only seven percent of employees strongly agree they trust senior leaders to look out for their best interest, and only seven percent strongly agree they trust their co-workers to do so. Approximately one-fifth of respondents disagree that their company’s leader is completely honest and ethical, and one-quarter of respondents disagree that they trust management to make the right decisions in times of uncertainty. While workplace trust has been dwindling since the Enron, WorldCom, and Tyco scandals of the earlier part of the decade, threats of layoffs and downsizing have only exacerbated the problem.

With such staggering poll response, how can today’s leaders hope to foster a sense of trust in the workplace amongst their team?

Join Dr. Peter Ronayne in this all new webinar as he shares:

  • Valuable insights into how and where the breakdown first occurs
  • Tactics for leaders to salvage these trust issues amongst team members and employees
  • How to help teams feel more connected
  • How to foster workplaces where employees can feel more safe and secure

Register at: http://www.msbcoach.com/newsletters/WebinarMay18.html

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