Quadriga Art Launches New Push to Leverage Social Media Data to Help Nonprofit Clients Fundraise

29-Apr-2011 | News-Press Release

NEW YORK, NY, April 16, 2011 /Art and Artists PR News/ -- Quadriga Art, a leading full-service fundraising and direct mail marketing company, says the time has come for non-profits to get serious about capitalizing on the power of the data available through social media. The New York company says most organizations have a Facebook page or somehow dabble in the space, but few take advantage of the intelligence this touch-point data provides.

In the fundraising business, much of our success hinges on the quality of the data, according to Mark Schulhof, CEO of Quadriga Art. He says the value of relationship marketing campaigns is dependent on the quality of donor data. However, keeping data quality at a high level is easier said than done when the data comes from a range of sources, including social media.

Schulhof says that although online social communities are fairly new in the fundraising scene,
most firms recognize them as viable and quantifiable marketing tools. For instance, using tags on links to track when someone clicks through from a social media site to their web page. He says other marketers use statistics to model a chain of events from a consumer's social media interaction to transaction.

We have begun to use social media monitoring, social analytic and social data collection in various ways to help shape donor communications, respond to concerns, identify large donors and create alternative media strategies based on this data, said Schulhof.

Today, the Quadriga Art CEO says data collection comes in two forms: information provided by the donor or data gathered from observation of the customer's actions. With so many sources, it's critical for marketers to know how to handle conflicting data, corrections and data validation.

We look at a lot of data that non-profits provide, analyze it and then combine it with demographic data and information volunteered through social media portals, Schulhof said.

Experts in the space say marketers in the non-profit industry can collect a wealth of donor
information through the donation process, which can take place online, through the mail or over the phone.

We have to be conscious of every changing nuance and keeping data clean across the various origins Schulhof says. The future of data and direct mail as a whole is the effective management of a single customer view across multiple channels.

Quadriga Art says data is collected, companies must determine which results are most relevant to their fundraising programs, including, donor contribution and campaign-specific components.

Traditionally, donor contact data expires annually and requires constant updates. The future of relationship management data collection will become increasingly challenging; more complex data structures will require more sophisticated infrastructure and analysis...low quality data will likely be the number one reason behind failed marketing efforts.

Social media, when managed correctly, can provide organizations with very powerful and actionable insight into the cultures of the various factions comprising their donor base,said Schulhof.

Quadriga Art, a leading full-service fundraising and direct mail marketing company, says the time has come for non-profits to get serious about capitalizing on the power of the data available through social media. http://www.quadrigaart.com

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