Synch1 Provides Excellent Australian Visa

08-Jul-2010 | News-Press Release

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Synch1 Provides Excellent Australian Visa & Immigration Consultancy


Thousands of people in various age groups and from various countries are looking to immigrate to Australia, the land of opportunities. Australia has something in store for everyone whether you are a student, entrepreneur, working professional or a retired person. Immigrating to this beautiful and bountiful continent requires an Australian visa and proper immigration assessment procedure. Synch1 is where you can get answers to all your questions. Every detail and information that you want about Australian visa and Australian immigration can be obtained from Synch1. Synch1 has dedicated professionals who will aid in making your ‘Australian Dream’, come true!


Once you have approached Synch1, you are sure to get the help you need related to legal processes and procedures that will ensure safe and successful Australian immigration.  As the best immigration consultant, here every individual gets assistance from application filing and interviews to getting citizenship. Our applications and assessment tools are used all over the world to ensure that the entire process works out, as smoothly as possible. The best part is that assessment is FREE.


The process of immigration to any place is a hectic one and thus, Australian immigration process is no different. There are many formalities, paperwork, assessments and other things to be completed. The professionals at the Sycnh1 enterprise are specialized in handling these situations. Not only the staff, the tools and application present online also aid in the process.


Whilst undergoing <a href=“”>Australian immigration</a> process and availing Australian visa, you may have various questions. Here, each and every client is handled with care and every query and doubt is addressed with utmost proficiency and expertise. Strict observation and stipulation is followed by professional staff to maintain high standards and 100% success rate.


The team of Synch1 is highly qualified knowing everything about Australian visa and Australian immigration procedures, inclusive of accounting, legalities, backgrounds and other risk factors. This immigration consultancy helps its clients to become legalized migrants, who qualify the criteria set by the DIMIA or The Department of Immigration Australia. The assessment tool available at Synch1 is completely FREE and through its use, clients are enabled to decipher their chances of completing the <a href=“”>Australian immigration</a> procedures and getting an Australian visa successfully.  Our experts, counselors, consultants and representatives will walk hand in hand through the entire path of the stressful immigration procedures, even towards the attainment of a citizenship in Australia.


The DA or detailed assessment through Synch1 is of only 3 weeks duration, during which the clients get access to our experts, who handle various Australian immigration cases and provides consultancy too, regarding all the options available. Once you are done with the assessment, you are provided with a report and also methods to go about it in the future or what to do next. For more information, please visit


Contact Information

Synchronicity One

PO Box 1750, Byron Bay

Phone: +61 266 884 081

Cell: +61417735187

Fax: +61 266 884 153




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