Improved Space Planning Increases Productivity

27-Sep-2011 | News-Press Release

You spend practically the whole day at work and it is essential that you are comfortable. The space planning and layout needs to be conducive to work for you to be productive. One-quarter of employees view their jobs as the number one cause of stress in their lives.

How do you feel physically and mentally after a day of work? Are your muscles stiff or painful? In this case you should look for ways to improve your workspace.

Ways to improve your working space

Interior decorators can help you design an office that suites your specifications. The company might pay for it if you bring it up in a meeting. If not, you could pay for it yourself. Either way you will benefit because improving your work space increases your productivity.


Imagine the ideal outcome, research interior designs before making your decision.
Knowing what you need and want will help you stick to the budget.


Personalise your workspace, this is your home away from home so make it feel like that. Add     family pictures, make your office smell good and keep it clean. A messy office makes a poor representation of the company for clients and your boss will notice that you are unorganised and this can affect your chances for a promotion. Take pride in your office space and in return it will take good care of you.


The interior designer might decide on adding plants in the office. Plants provide clean air that can help you concentrate and plants brighten up the office.


Aspects to Consider


What size is your office space? If your office is tiny don’t choose a design that includes too many objects. Your office should have what you need arranged in such a way that you can easily access everything you use frequently. For example if you only print reports once a month, have a central printer instead of one in every office.


Do you have frequent client meetings in your office? If so make it user friendly. Minimalism in the layout will maximise the space. Cluttered spaces look dirty quicker. Include enough space for easy entrance and exit without feeling cramped.


Your best bet is getting an interior decorator to help because they will exceed your design ability and understand the form and function of layout. Interior decorators understand the dynamics of space and how to utilise that space to make employees more efficient. That is why spending a little money on an interior designer can have big results when it comes to productivity.




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