Paperless Publishing Reveals the Concept and Utility of Book to eBook Conversion Service

30-Nov-2011 | News-Press Release

In  the last years The Internet has become one of the most preferred and dependable medium for the exchange of information and knowledge to its exponentially growing users .Authors and publication houses are taking advantage of its popularity by generating numerous eBooks from printed books every year. Paperless Publishing possesses a good understanding and superior expertise in book to eBook conversion services and its publication.

Gone are the days when readers used to relish good books and carry them around even if they had to keep reading and re–reading them over and over again. eBooks are digitalized versions of printed books and are available to readers on their portable devices such as laptops, net books, tablets and laptops.

Paperless Publishing helps both established as well as budding writers to reach an extensive audience of readers. Internal graphics and videos help in making eBooks more interactive for the readers who previously had to suffice themselves with pictures when it came to graphical representation. In case of a printed copy, the book has to be completely scanned and converted in to a valid soft copy format such as pdf, html, rtf, txt, docx or doc.


Paperless Publishing can not only help in accepting varied  formats for inputs but also makes the eBook compatible with most eBook readers. The various reader formats in which publishing is done are Kindling, Mobipocket, ePub, MS Reader and Kindle. Paperless Publishing gives services to the ePub and Mobi formats with ePUB for official standard of the International Digital Publishing Forum and MOBI for Amazon kindle reader.

A Book to eBook Conversion service brings new dimensions in the popularity and presence of the writers and authors beyond their geographical boundaries. It is a great medium to showcase the talented work to people all over the world and surprisingly, this is an excellent way of marketing the creation and increasing sales.

A genuine advice from an expert is to always choose a reliable and reputed service provider and at affordable rates. Find out more about conversion services and its importance at


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