ThinkStrategy Capital Settles SEC Matter; Founder - Chetan Kapur, Moved Focus About A Year Ago

04-Dec-2011 | News-Press Release

New York - ThinkStrategy Capital has settled the current SEC matter. The firm effectively wound down approximately a year prior with the founder voluntarily moving his focus outside of financial services.


It should be noted that the SEC charges that get made as part of a settlement process are merely allegations, which pursuant to the settlement one cannot deny or admit.


As it relates to any client disclosures, improvement or corrective measures were taken when appropriate or necessary by senior management of ThinkStrategy Capital, which among others items included the firing of a director of business development.


The decision to settle the current SEC charges was based on the fact that the firm had effectively wound down over a year ago with the founder voluntarily focused outside of financial services.


This press release has been issued as certain incorrect, false or highly skewed information is being reported by the Press. This highly skewed or incorrect information relates to numerous items including allegations being assumed incorrectly as findings or facts.




All investors in the ThinkStrategy Capital Fund received the reported returns and were fully redeemed. Both classes of the Fund were closed by 2007. No investors were accepted in the Fund after it was closed.


The TS Multi-Strategy Funds conducted due diligence on and evaluated over 350+ investment opportunities, and had over 100+ different investment tranches. The Funds were audited annually since inception.


ThinkStrategy Capital has gone above and beyond for investors of its Multi-Strategy fund of hedge funds by going out of pocket for several years to cover all operating and infrastructure costs for the Fund, all the while receiving no fees. Further, in spite of the Fund being put into effective liquidation by its lender/custodian, KBC Financial (that made no fee or expense payouts to the Manager for several years) -- the Investment Manager, ThinkStrategy Capital, devoted a lot of hard work and effort in providing detailed reports to investors, in procuring the sub-funds to pay out as soon as feasible (including joining investor committees and appointing advisors to oversee payouts), in obtaining risk/ liquidity/ outlook updates from sub-funds, as well as maintained coordination with all service providers to the Fund.


KBC Financial, with the banking crisis was reported to have put all or most of their clients into liquidation in 2008, including the TS Multi-Strategy fund of hedge fund. ThinkStrategy Capital Management put the TS Multi-Strategy fund of hedge fund into formal liquidation with PriceWaterhouse Coopers.

PriceWaterhouse Coopers is overseeing and managing the KBC Financial/Fund liquidation process.


ThinkStrategy Capital Management conducted comprehensive research and due diligence procedures in its investment products. ThinkStrategy Capital's Fund of Hedge Fund product, TS Multi-Strategy Fund, had a comprehensive program of diligence that included operational, strategy, risk, stress and scenario due diligence processes. The due diligence process had several aspects and checks not noted to investors but to their benefit. Other leading Fund of Funds had similar processes that were at or above industry standard for the time. The investments oftentimes were recommended by a known institutional investor or advisor, or came from a known investment database. The Fund Managers always had strong knowledge and experience with their strategy, and very solid business and investing experience. The TS Multi-Strategy Fund was a leading performer till the Fund of Fund was put into liquidation by its custodian/lender, KBC Financial.


The TS Multi-Strategy Funds conducted due diligence on and evaluated over 350+ investment opportunities, and had over 100+ different investment tranches. The Funds were audited annually since inception.


To further improve its process, ThinkStrategy Capital Management’s FOF adopted a ‘ No Stone Should Be Left Unturned’ policy in the post-Madoff environment, even if there were no red flags. Checks that were not standard practice historically were undertaken.


All investors in the ThinkStrategy Capital Fund received the reported returns and were fully redeemed. Both classes of the Fund were closed by 2007. No investors were accepted in the Fund after it was closed.


This press release has been issued as certain incorrect, false or highly skewed information is being reported by the Press. This highly skewed or incorrect information relates to numerous items including allegations being assumed incorrectly as findings or facts.


Contact: ThinkStrategy Capital Management LLC

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