Oracle Digital Extend Free Website Offer Due To Popular Demand

25-Jan-2012 | News-Press Release

SEO Perth Company Oracle Digital have today announced they have extended their free website offer for new customers who engage in web management packages. The move comes due to many local businesses in Australia rush to begin an online marketing assault.

The SEO Company are delivering their websites built on the now industry standard Wordpress platform.

Wordpress is one of the most supported and developed web platforms available, and the fact that it is open source has allowed a vast community of developers to continually improve upon its functionality.

The website offer comes at a time when many Australian businesses are returning from their annual Christmas break, and are keen to expand into a multi layered marketing approach. The record online sales figures from last December are certainly pushing this drive.

James Corby from SEO Company Oracle Digital explains, “Last December’s record online sales figures were rampant throughout the year, and especially leading into the Christmas period. We’re seeing many businesses having bumper turnovers, and many other companies are wanting a slice of the action.”

Search engine optimisation, or SEO, is the process of engineering a website so that it can be easily found by the search engines, namely Google. The better placed a website is for its given keywords, the more traffic or visitors that it will be able to attract.

SEO is seen generally in two forms, that of on page SEO, and that of off page SEO. The former being certain things that you can do on a web page such as having a certain keyword density, and the latter being things that you can do away from a website, and this could entail pointing backlinks to the website.

Corby continues, “The important thing to consider with SEO, is to ensure that you are giving Google valuable and quality information, that human readers will respect too. All too often many SEO companies provide what is called black hat techniques, in order to achieve favourable search results for their customers. Unfortunately this method rarely has a lasting result, and as Google changes their search algorithm, these websites will suffer badly.”

A reputable SEO campaign should involve creating unique and valuable content such as whitepapers, articles, videos, PDF’s and slideshows that human visitors can read and appreciate.

Oracle Digital are a Perth SEO Company with decades of SEO experience at their helm. Right now they are offering a free premium Wordpress website to new customers who engage in their various SEO and traffic packages. To find out more about this offer, please call them on 1300 899 851.

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