Australian Technology Company Oracle Digital Releases New Corporate SEO Packages

01-Feb-2012 | News-Press Release

Perth SEO Company Oracle Digital have just announced the release of their new ecommerce and corporate search engine optimisation (SEO) packages, that are especially designed to cater for broad keywords and exposure that these companies desperately need.

As 2011 was a year many retail and b2b enterprises would rather forget, smart operators are engaging SEO and other online marketing strategies in order to fight back against the ailing economy.

SEO is the practice of a combination of certain techniques, that will allow a website to receive fair and positive ranking results in the search engines such as Google and Bing.

When broken down there are two types of SEO that need to be undertaken, and that is on page SEO while the other is off page SEO.

Oracle Digital’s Head of Business Development, James Corby, states, “SEO is a fickle beast, and rather then try to manipulate Google, you actually just give it what it wants. If you give it the right content and do so in the right way, then you are going to get rewarded in the organic search results.”

Driving targeted web traffic to a business with an online portal is now big business, and there are many an SEO Company that is offering their products and services. Corby continues, “When choosing a genuine SEO provider, look for one that offers holistic and ethical strategies, and above all do your homework and speak to their current customer base for genuine recommendations.”

A holistic approach to SEO involves the creation of valuable content, that is then added to your website, and it can also be distributed or syndicated to other file sharing sites around the Internet. Gone are the days of keyword stuffing articles and embedding mass hidden footer links to the bottom of a website.

Up until very recently, off page SEO would have a massive impact on a website’s search results, although now much more other techniques need to come into play, and that involves providing that oh so valuable content that will delight visitors, and get them coming back time and time again to a website.

As many ecommerce and corporate entities are battling to come online and throw their weight around, it is apparent that they need to have their hand held every step of the way. As Corby explains, “If you need to get your companies tax return down, you don’t risk doing it yourself do you? Of course you find the best possible tax accountant to help you. Well if you engage with SEO or any web marketing for that matter, then you need to find a professional and team up with them.”

Oracle Digital is an Australian SEO and Web Marketing Company, based in Perth and with offices Australia wide. To find out more about their ecommerce and corporate products and services, please contact them on 1300 899 851.

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