World's First Texting & Driving Application in Your Mobile Phone Prevents Accidents

01-Mar-2012 | News-Press Release

Morrisville, NC ( prsafe ) February 28, 2012 - Majority of the people use mobile phone while driving without knowing the risks involved in it. Most of the accidents which occurred in the recent years are as a result of using mobile phone while driving. Texting or calling someone while driving can impair the performance of any driver and increases the chance of accident. Even though there are stringent laws across various States, still people use mobile phones while driving. Thanks to no texting while driving app, it completely blocks the feature of texting while you are behind the wheels.

Spokesperson for notextingwhiledrivingapp comments, "We designed this special software after knowing the risks involved with texting while driving the car. Our team has found this special application with an extensive research, with our special software in your iPhone and you can drive safely without harming someone or yourself. Our software makes a complete difference in the attitude of the driver and he can drive safely without any distraction. Our application blocks certain features of text messaging and calling but still you will be notified later about the text messages and calls you have received. Every year more than 5000 teens between the age of 16- 20 die in car accidents especially because of using mobile phones. However our application is highly useful to teens to be safe while driving, it offers peace of mind to parents and loved ones."

He also added that, "Even though texting while driving is banned in more than 30 States still the teens use it to stay connected with their friends. Car accidents have become the #1 cause for the death of teens in recent years. Majority of the accident takes place between 3pm and midnight, while 54% of the accident takes place during weekends. Installing our special application in your mobile phone helps to restrict some of the features in your mobile phone but still you will be notified about messages and calls later. Our apps not only prevent texting while driving but also notify you about the important messages and calls you have missed while driving which means you can drive safely and also stay connected with your friends and relatives."

About us:

You can prevent accident using the special app to prevent texting while driving. You can know more about no texting while driving app at


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