Payday Loans-The 5 Golden Rules For Getting A Payday Loan

14-Mar-2012 | News-Press Release

London, UK (prsafe) March 8, 2012 - The UK Lenders Alliance has put together these simple, but sensible 5 golden rules for getting a payday loan. Although payday loans can be reliable sources of quick cash for people who have emergencies in between pay days, they need to be used carefully.

These speedy financial advances can seem like a Godsend to consumers who have no other alternatives ways to borrow funds. Hundreds of payday lenders exist on the web and in various localities. There is definitely no shortage of places consumers can seek help. However, s smart applicant should follow certain rules before obligating himself or herself to this type of agreement. Since a payday loan agreement is a binding contract, the borrower must be cautious in making the decision to sign for one.

Rule 1: Emergencies Only

A debtor should only use a payday loan for an emergency. A person who delivers things for a living has an emergency when his or her car breaks down. It is acceptable for that person to apply for a payday loan to get repairs done on his or her vehicle. A person who desires to own the newest cellular phone on its release date does not have an emergency. That individual could wait until payday and save a heap of finance charges and interest fees. Payday advances do not come without fees. Therefore, it is important for the debtor to review the importance of the transaction before applying.

Rule 2: Compare Lenders

Prospective clients should always compare several payday lenders before jumping into an agreement with one. Finance charges and interest fees vary between lenders. The consumer should take the time and choose the arrangement that is easiest on his or her pockets.

Rule 3: Have the Ability to Repay Quickly

Most payday loans have a life of about 14 days. Lenders expect their proceeds back on the borrower's next paycheck. The borrower should make sure that he or she is capable of repaying the loan quickly. A quick lump sum repayment will cut down on extra fees.

Rule 4: Do not Over Borrow

When deciding how much to request from a payday lender, the consumer should consider his or her household expenses, income, and other expenses. No one should ever borrow more than he or she is able to repay. Over borrowing can cause confusion and future debt problems.

Rule 5: Read the Fine Print

The consumer should never skim a payday loan contract. That person should examine every word in the contract before signing it. That way he or she will fully understand every term mentioned in the contract. The client should ask the lender questions about any unclear content and tricky wording.

As long as a consumer follows these steps, he or she will be able to work with a respectable lender. The individual will also receive a product tailored to his or her specific situation.

About UK Lenders Alliance

UK Lenders Alliance is a payday loans UK lender who works efficiently to help people just like you who need money now for some type of cash emergency. The service is designed to be quick and easy in times of unforeseen financial situations.

The team at UK Lenders Alliance comprises of many highly experienced, friendly advisors who understand your circumstances well.

Rest assured that the UK Lenders Alliance team will work quickly on your application so you can get money when you need money now (subject to meeting the criteria).

Press Contact:

Jackie Bourke


SVS House

Oliver Grove

London SE25 6EJ

United Kingdom


0207 099 6158




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