New Christmas Song Parodies Prove Instant Success for Indie Artists Earl Wayne and Linda Jo.

08-Dec-2010 | News-Press Release

Hot Springs, Arkansas (Press Release) December 06, 2010 - In a time when the music industry seems to be oversaturated, it is more important than ever for new artists to carve out their own particular niche. That is exactly what Earl Wayne and Linda Jo have done with their song parodies. While they were enjoying modest success and recognition with their first set of releases for 2010, their first two Christmas song parodies have been taking the overseas charts by storm.

   Their first Christmas song is named “The Right President” and is a parody of “White Christmas” by The Drifters. As you might expect, it pokes fun at the current state of affairs within the U.S. government. “Hey, they’re the ones running the government and the country like it’s a dog and pony show!” laughed Earl Wayne during an interview, “We just sang about it.” finished Linda Jo. Perhaps the success of The Right President comes from the fact that The Drifters version of White Christmas is so well liked, as their version itself was catapulted to success and popularity after it was played in the “Home Alone” movie. Then again, it could be simply that Americans and the world as a whole are about fed up with the way things are being done in America. Regardless of the reason, we all could use a good laugh, and this song delivers just that.

   The second Christmas song, which received even more reception, was written by both Earl Wayne and Linda Jo, though Earl Wayne does not sing on this particular song at all. It is a fun and happy Christmas parody of Gene Autry’s “Here Comes Santa Claus” and it is named “Here Comes Grandpa.” It is of course funny, however, it seems to be the songs wholesomeness, delivered expertly by Linda Jo and accompanied by some very talented children that has brought Here Comes Grandpa it’s overwhelming and quick success.

   Actually, neither Earl Wayne nor Linda Jo are strangers to the top of the charts overseas. Along with other chart toppers by the two, their original Pop/Dance song named “If U Can’t Breath” has dominated the charts, including the Rock chart, for over 12 weeks now. However, both of these new Christmas parodies have topped and even more so dominated the Indie Charts abroad, almost immediately and ever since their respective releases., which is a respected authority and Indie music only website that is based in England, has listed both songs repetitively in the #1 position on not only the Pop Chart but also the Overall chart. Here Comes Grandpa enjoyed the #1 position on both charts for weeks, instantly after it’s release. That is until The Right President reclaimed it’s position as #1. Perhaps brought back to the top of the charts due to the recent Wiki Leaks.

   The Right President which itself spent several weeks in the #1 position, then was overtaken only by Here Comes Grandpa, and then re-emerged and reclaimed it’s #1 spot, has also spent several weeks within the U.S. as listed in the top 10 funniest songs on Additionally, it has won a spot on the coveted ballot of Dr. Demento’s funniest songs of 2010. And along with several other of Earl Wayne and Linda Jo’s songs, The Right President has been submitted and considered for an IMA Award.

   Quite a feat to be sure, but as you listen to Earl Wayne and Linda Jo’s songs and watch their videos, it is no surprise. What is a surprise is that they did not even begin their career in music until 2010. That is certainly an accomplished feat indeed. Of course all of Earl Wayne and Linda Jo’s releases, including The Right President and Here Comes Grandpa, are available to download at iTunes, Amazon, and pretty much all the rest of the mp3 download websites. And while they do have a YouTube channel under the username Earl Wayne Productions, as well as having their videos and full length songs available for viewing and/or listening to at, they have not released the video’s for these two extraordinary Christmas songs as of yet. Though rest assured, they have announced that they are in production for the video’s on both of them now and hope to have them uploaded to YouTube before Christmas this year.

   So, if you get an extra few minutes and could use a laugh or two, and especially if you would like to add some funny and truly great songs to your music collection, be sure and visit, YouTube, and of course iTunes, Amazon, or wherever you prefer to purchase mp3’s, and have yourself a very Merry Christmas.

   For more information on Earl Wayne, Linda Jo, and Earl Wayne Productions, visit 

   Article Copyright 2010 David S. King, freelance writer. / Earl Wayne, Linda Jo, and Earl Wayne Productions are non registered trademarks. All rights reserved.

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