Google Releases New Penguin Update, Numerous Online Sites Affected

24-May-2012 | News-Press Release

Oracle Digital, a leading SEO company in Perth, has announced that it will be using the latest tactics in order to combat the effects that Google’s Penguin update may bring about to the rankings of its current and prospective clients.

With this new development, the company believes that online companies must start now to adjust accordingly in order to minimise its adverse effects and to ensure that their page rankings are not negatively affected. This can only be done thru the use of efficient and ethical SEO practices.

On the 24th of April 2012, Google launched the Penguin update, which according to the giant internet company was meant to minimise spamming, most especially in search engine page results.

This new Google algorithm came out after months of speculation by industry sources stating that the company will be penalising the use of “over-optimisation” techniques, raising some serious concerns from people in the SEO sector.

Matt Cutts, Head of Google’s Webspam Team and a software engineer of the company, in his comments before the launch of the Google Penguin update, explained: “And the idea is basically to try and level the playing ground a little bit. So, all those people who have sort of been doing, for lack of a better word, 'over optimisation' or 'overly' doing their SEO, compared to the people who are just making great content and trying to make a fantastic site, we want to sort of make that playing field a little bit more level.”

However, in another setting, Cutts subsequently clarified that the update was not meant to penalise over-optimisation, but was actually designed for the elimination of webspam, in correlation with the Webmaster Guidelines of Google.

He said, “…we’re launching an important algorithm change targeted at webspam. The change will decrease rankings for sites that we believe are violating Google’s quality guidelines. We’ve always targeted webspam in our rankings, and this algorithm represents another improvement in our efforts to reduce webspam and promote high quality content.”

But according to industry experts and analysts, although this new update may not be primarily for penalty purposes and is just for eliminating spam – the effects are virtually the same. And this is why they are suggesting that companies try to comply with the regulations of the new algorithm as soon as possible.

Important aspects of this new Google update were explained by Clint Maher, Director of Operations of Oracle Digital. He states: “What the new Google Penguin algorithm requires is the use of white hat SEO techniques and not those which use keyword stuffing, doorway pages and other black hat strategies. So, in order to use this update to one’s advantage - one must be able to use efficient SEO strategies that are ethical as well. And this is what we are offering to those who are in need of our services”.

Indeed, with the latest changes brought about by Google Penguin to the virtual world, one must be able to use the proper strategies – or live with the consequences in the end.

Oracle Digital is the top SEO Company in Perth that serves clients from Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney and other parts of the country. If you want to know more about the company or the kinds of services that it brings, give them a call at 1300 899 851 or visit their website at

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