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AboutPaul Randhawa M&K Travel’s owner has been in the business for past several years. Paul Randhawa CA has also been very active in the political arena of CA and he has worked hard to be a useful asset to the community and take the society towards a positive change. A businessman to the core, Paul has more than 18 years of entrepreneurial experience and excellent leadership skills. He has worked with California State Prisons Department at various administrative positive for more than 16 years. An active member of the community, Paul Randhawa CA is also one of the founding fathers of the Guru Nanak Sikh Temple located on 2948 Rockville Road, Fairfield. He led the efforts for the construction of the temple and once the temple was completed, he respectfully stepped down from the leader’s position and let the others handle the management responsibilities of the temple. He also handles in a successful travel business providing travel arrangements all over the world at affordable prices and various perks. M&K Travel CA, has been flourishing by leaps and bounds under the effective mentorship of Paul Randhawa. Even though he is involved in various business and political activities, Paul Randhawa lays great importance for his family and takes time out for family regularly. He believes that children should have great respect for elders and he has instilled similar values of respect and hard work in his two sons. His sons assist him in his business and even while living in America, they are in touch with their roots of traditional Sikh culture. About Paul Iqbal Randhawa Paul Randhawa has spent significant amount of time and effort for development of the Fairfield community and community members regard him greatly for his efforts. A respected resident of the Fairfield CA community, Paul Randhawa is an inspiration for the youth. Find out more about his travel agency by browsing through and
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