A Breakthrough in the treatment of Cancer Reoccurrence

21-May-2011 | News-Press Release

Cancer relapse is a most disheartening feeling for a cancer patient who has lived through cancer once. Cancer is one of the most fatal disease worlds wide. Till now the treatments like chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery are widely accepted as traditional cancer treatments towards cancer cure.

From Long medical scientists were looking for measures to avoid a cancer relapse or reoccurrence once the cancer has been treated. It is now that a cell therapy has been constituted which can claim to treat cancer relapse and avoid cancer reoccurrence. It is popularly known as Denvex Cell Therapy or Dendritic Cell Therapy.

To understand how it works, it is important to understand first how cancer happens in our body. Cancer occurs because of the immune system has fails to check the growth of cancer cells. Thus cancer cells continue to grow producing cancer situation in our body.

Cancer once diagnosed can be then treated by Surgery, Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy. But none of these therapy work towards increasing the immunity of our body towards cancer cells or increase the cancer fighting cells in our body. Dendrite Cell Therapy has the potential to revive the immune cells to fight against cancer .DCT proves to be the best in preventing relapse or reoccurrence of cancer.

An eminent Surgical Oncologist told “If you stimulate the resistant method of the body and excite it to create dendrites cells and initiate it into the body in the shape of vaccine over common gaps of time, these cells assault them and destroy them.”

Dendrites cell is a blood cell present in every person’s blood stream. They are directors of immune system, capable of inducing tumor tumor antigen –specific T and B cell. They identify cancer cells, process into bits and jumpstart the immune response by bringing the foreign substance to the attention of rest of the immune system.(T cells). The activated immune system is then able to circulate throughout the body and destroy the cancer cells.

DCT is target oriented because the vaccines which is manufactured is produced from patients own mononuclear cells and the antigens stimuli is supplied externally to modality mononuclear cells are also the patients own tumor cells. This therapy can be used as a single therapy or used as adjuvant therapy along the conventional therapies to treat cancer.

All type of cancers can be treated by DCT. This treatment can be considered in following situations:

  • DCT is administered when the disease is stable or slowly progressing and the patient is not on chemo/radiation therapy.
  • When the patient is free of disease and is at the high risk of relapse.
  • When the patient is at its advanced stage, to relief his pain and sufferings-DCT is administered i.e. palliative care.
  • DCT can also be administered to those patients where no other treatment can give a hope in preventing the progression of cancer, means other options have been exhausted.

DCT is a painless therapy with negligible side-effects, therefore it can be applied to those who are not in a condition to receive chemo/radiation or undergo surgery.

Most importantly this therapy does not have any side effects like in other cancer treatments. Some patients may experience mild to moderate grade fever after the vaccine administrated which would hardly last for 24 hours. Till date no hypersensitivity or reaction being observed.


For more information on DTS please feel free to write at amita.dubey@highbeamglobal.com

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