Mesenchymal Stem Cells - Advances And Applications

News-Press Release

(Newsbox) 07-Apr-2012

Bharatbook from its exhaustive collection has come out with a report " Mesenchymal Stem Cells - Advances And Applications " which gives an overview, Demand, Supply Trends and industry analysis reports.

This is an expanded and updated report that includes:
 - 55 New Pages of Material
 - Updated Charts, Timelines, Metrics and Financials
 - 5-Year Projection Data
 - Expanded Competitive Environment Analysis
 - Detailed Characterization of the Market, Emphasizing Statistical Trending
 - Exploration of Recent Product Evolution and Projected Directions for Development
 - Overview of Therapeutic Progress and Insight into Future Applications
 - Detailed Evaluation of Profit Opportunities
 - New Section on End-User Interests, Needs, Technical Preferences (Scientist Panel)
Analysis of global grant activity, scientific publication rates, and patent applications reveal that research activity involving mesenchymal stem cells increased 58% year-over-year from 2008 to 2009, and 112% from 2009 to 2010. Of most interest is that this rate of growth accelerated in 2011, making mesenchymal stem cells the fastest growing area of stem cell research. Market Basket Analysis
 Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent stem cells that can differentiate into a variety of cell types, including osteoblasts, chondrocytes, myocytes, adipocytes, beta-pancreatic islets cells, and potentially, neuronal cells. MSCs are of intense therapeutic interest because they represent a population of cells with the potential to treat a wide range of acute and degenerative diseases. MSCs are advantageous over other stem cells types for several reasons. First, they avoid the ethical issues that surround embryonic stem cell research. Second, repeated studies have found that human MSCs are immuno-privileged, and therefore, represent an advantageous cell type for allogenic transplantation, reducing the risks of rejection and complications of transplantation. Recently, there have also been significant advances in the use of autologous MSCs to regenerate human tissues, including cartilage and meniscus, tendons, and bone fractures.
 This market research report focuses on recent advances in MSC research applications, explores research priorities by market segment, highlights individual labs and end-users of MSC research products, explores the competitive environment for MSC research products, and provides 5-year growth and trend analysis. The report advantageously positions companies that wish to offer competitive stem cells products to this rapidly growing, well-funded research community.
 I. Abstract
 II. Overview
 A. Definition
 B. Alternative Nomenclature
 C. Identification
 1. Characteristics
 2. Functional Attributes
 D. Benefits Relative to Other Stem Cell Types
 For more information kindly visit :
Mesenchymal Stem Cells - Advances And Applications
 Bharat Book Bureau
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